The differential pressure sensor is one of the common instruments of the dust remover, which controls the dust removal operation and normal operation of the dust remover.
The device that can detect the pressure value of the dust collector and provide the remote transmission point signal is called differential pressure transmitter or differential pressure sensor. Differential pressure transmitter plays an important role in automatic control system, so it develops rapidly and has many types. Its main types include potentiometer type, strain type, Hall type, inductive type, voltage type, resistance type, capacitance type and vibration frequency type,.
The pressure difference alarm device of dust remover is used to monitor the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the dust remover. It can effectively avoid the blocking of the bag in the dust collector. If the pressure difference is too high, it is necessary to clean the bag fire in the dust collector in time.
Take the bag-type dust collector as an example to make a simple analysis: the greater the pressure difference of the bag-type dust collector is, the greater the resistance is, the greater the output of the fan will be, and the energy consumption will be increased. A long time of high air output will lead to fan failure. But the key point is that the larger the pressure difference, the stronger the dust collector has filter bag paste bag, and the stronger the small range paste bag. If the large range paste bag, and the induced draft fan output at that high peak, the dust collector will be easily sucked down for a long time, and the load of the boiler will also be seriously affected. It is recommended to check the cause of pressure difference increase as much as possible to avoid unit MFT. Check whether there is a problem with the dust cleaning system of the bag-type dust collector and whether the bag is pasted.